Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In doing this project I learned just how much thing have really changed from the 19th century till now and how different teen life is now compared to then. I did have problems finding out just how different because I couldn't find anything on teen life in the 19th century all I had was things I already now from books and movies I've read from that time period like Pride and Prejudice. If I ever got a chance to go more in dept in this project I would visit other libraries so that i can find out more about teenagers everyday life in the 19th century and as far as my investigation question goes I would just try to make it more specific and easier to research. Doing this project has let me see just how much society has grone, we've gone from a very low persentage of teens going to college to the majority of teenagers saying that they are going to college and it is more possible for parents to be able to send there kids to college than in the 19th century and teenagers also have more opportunities than they did in the 19th century.


I think I should have looked further in the 19th century and find the answer to the question what was life like for teens in the 19th century. I should have tried to maybe go to other libraries to find resources that my school library did not offer. I also think my survey results would have come out better if I had a larger amount of teens taking my survey and a bigger variety of questions about there life as teenagers like there future aspirations, school life, home life and there different responsibilities.
Baste on my research and surveys I knottiest there were some things that were common in the 19th century are no longer common in today's society like it was very common for people to be able to play multiple instruments and there were more teens who read on there free time and now in today's society it is not nearly as common as it use to be. I think that more teens should be able to play instruments and I also think that teenagers should read more.


The article "What teens really think" had interesting information on today's teen views about there future and the society. It amassed me to see just how different today's teens are compared to teens of the 19th century. In the 19 century teen girls rarely got college education and seldom went to school they instead had tutors that would teach them how to read and write, play music, math ect... They would stay at home to learn to cook clean and sew and various other house hold chores as well as learning to become a proper woman. In the 19th century girls were expected to find a husband and to be married when they become a teenager, and when they got in there twenties they were considered old and judged for not yet being married. Today's teen society is the exact opposite of the 19th century according to the survey I gave to my pears at school and the article I read What teens really think, the majority of teens male and female plan to go to college and have a carrier. Another difference is it is very uncommon for teens to be married in fact the more common and excepted age for marriage is mid twenties and up.

Teens that plan to go to college

This graph answers the survey question do you plan to go to college. 92% of the teens that answered this question said yes and only 8% said no. I used this survey question to compare and contrast teens from the 19th century where it was very common for teen girls to not even go to college and for boys to drop out to help with the family business or because they cant afford the education.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hobbies survey question

Because hobbies indicate how teens spend their free time, I decided to include a question on what hobbies modern teens engage in today. I wanted to find the difference in the 19th century vs. the 21st century teens, which is why I used answer choices like reading, sewing, games, instruments, and sports in my survey so i can get a good understanding of teen hobbies now v.s. of the 19th century. in the survey i found it interesting that only 7% of the teens that took the survey chose sewing as there hobby where as in the 1800's it was very common for teen or any one to be able to sew and know it's only a 7 percentage.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

what teens really think

In the article "What teens really think" by Richard Morin, Morin argues that society's teens today for the most part believe that there life is harder than there parent when they were teens according to his surveys. The majority of teens today think they will be more successful than there parents in there future as adults. They believe they have more doors open for them and with hard work they will go to college and then will later get good jobs and a nice home. The majority of the teen girls think they will marry and then stay married till death do them part, but more often then not there were more realistic teens who understand that from a new house to a good college education will cost more than there parents and grand parents age put together. There are also teen girls who worry about politics and believe that there will be tarriest attacks like the 911 in there life time, where as the boys don't believe there will be many tarriest attacks they believe in the government and army.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

19th vs. 21st century teens

since I was little I've watched many movies that took place in the 1800s like Pride and Prejudice as well as since and sensibility. I've always been interested in the life in the 1800s.
I already know a lot about the 1800s and what was expected of teens during that time like how girls were always expected to marry in there teen years and when there in there 20s they're considered to be old, and they would be jugged for not being married.
I want to learn more about that time period and what was expected of teen girls and boys; there responsibilities what was normal for teens in that time period there hobbies and home life.