Wednesday, March 31, 2010


In doing this project I learned just how much thing have really changed from the 19th century till now and how different teen life is now compared to then. I did have problems finding out just how different because I couldn't find anything on teen life in the 19th century all I had was things I already now from books and movies I've read from that time period like Pride and Prejudice. If I ever got a chance to go more in dept in this project I would visit other libraries so that i can find out more about teenagers everyday life in the 19th century and as far as my investigation question goes I would just try to make it more specific and easier to research. Doing this project has let me see just how much society has grone, we've gone from a very low persentage of teens going to college to the majority of teenagers saying that they are going to college and it is more possible for parents to be able to send there kids to college than in the 19th century and teenagers also have more opportunities than they did in the 19th century.

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