Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I think I should have looked further in the 19th century and find the answer to the question what was life like for teens in the 19th century. I should have tried to maybe go to other libraries to find resources that my school library did not offer. I also think my survey results would have come out better if I had a larger amount of teens taking my survey and a bigger variety of questions about there life as teenagers like there future aspirations, school life, home life and there different responsibilities.
Baste on my research and surveys I knottiest there were some things that were common in the 19th century are no longer common in today's society like it was very common for people to be able to play multiple instruments and there were more teens who read on there free time and now in today's society it is not nearly as common as it use to be. I think that more teens should be able to play instruments and I also think that teenagers should read more.

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