Thursday, March 25, 2010

what teens really think

In the article "What teens really think" by Richard Morin, Morin argues that society's teens today for the most part believe that there life is harder than there parent when they were teens according to his surveys. The majority of teens today think they will be more successful than there parents in there future as adults. They believe they have more doors open for them and with hard work they will go to college and then will later get good jobs and a nice home. The majority of the teen girls think they will marry and then stay married till death do them part, but more often then not there were more realistic teens who understand that from a new house to a good college education will cost more than there parents and grand parents age put together. There are also teen girls who worry about politics and believe that there will be tarriest attacks like the 911 in there life time, where as the boys don't believe there will be many tarriest attacks they believe in the government and army.

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