Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The article "What teens really think" had interesting information on today's teen views about there future and the society. It amassed me to see just how different today's teens are compared to teens of the 19th century. In the 19 century teen girls rarely got college education and seldom went to school they instead had tutors that would teach them how to read and write, play music, math ect... They would stay at home to learn to cook clean and sew and various other house hold chores as well as learning to become a proper woman. In the 19th century girls were expected to find a husband and to be married when they become a teenager, and when they got in there twenties they were considered old and judged for not yet being married. Today's teen society is the exact opposite of the 19th century according to the survey I gave to my pears at school and the article I read What teens really think, the majority of teens male and female plan to go to college and have a carrier. Another difference is it is very uncommon for teens to be married in fact the more common and excepted age for marriage is mid twenties and up.

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